Plus if white people don't want to have babies (IIRC, for women born in the US, the rate over a lifetime is 1.6 kids, well below the 2.1 rate to maintain the population), then we need those workers coming from the south. And most of them are Christian or at least culturally so. They also work hard and take jobs white kids don't want. What's not to like?

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"Ironic, but then MAGA world is the place where irony goes to die" hmmmm...I thought that MAGA world was the place where Irony LIVES!

In winter we live a few miles north of the Mexican border. I've crossed the border many times; had pictures taken next to the Wall (actually a fence); and flown over it for many miles. The gaps are in mountainous terrain where it's much more expensive to construct and where most foot crossings take place! When we first moved there, I asked a friend what he thought of the fence (his wife is from Mexico) and he replied that the common expression is: "if the wall goes higher, they'll just use taller ladders".

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